Support, encouragement, and inspiration for the spiritual journey.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

So the light can get in

Everything has a crack in it so the light can get in. These words are paraphrased from a Leonard Cohen song called Anthem. How futile our ideas of perfection!

When we feel the crack, the pain, the resistance, the automatic defense, alienation, separateness, the self righteousness, the judgement, what do we do?  Do we hide? Do we run? Do we argue? Do we fight? Do we blame? Do we escape into pleasure? Do we eat? Do we drink?
Do we numb ourselves watching TV? Do we berate ourselves? Do we compare? Do we sleep? Do we intellectualize and explain the reasons and the causes? Do we go to God to deny our experience
or escape? 

Or do we turn to God to own our experience, to feel, to increase our awareness, to surrender and return to love, to our center and to having compassion for ourselves and humanity?

In gratitude and respect,
Rev. Supriya  Swerdlick Hermenze

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